Sunday, May 27, 2012

Wally Ross #4

05-26-2012 03;32;08PM by bucklesw1
05-26-2012 03;32;08PM, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

This 1974 Circus Vargas photo by Gerry and Kaye Scheiman shows a young "Colonel Joe".
Wally appears to be seeking help in getting the word to his Elephant Empress that she is losing her drawers.


Chic Silber said...

Certainly 1 way to flash the act

Chic Silber said...

Also her top & bottom are from 2

different species & they clash

I'll bet she has the aposite set

Wade G. Burck said...

"losing her drawers!!!!" LOL You have to stop that nonsense, Woodcock. LOL Great photo's of Wally thank you for sharing. You need to keep scrounging around and see what else you can come up with.

Wade Burck

Ryan Easley said...

Can you tell us who the African is?

Wade G. Burck said...

She is gorgeous, none the less. Any idea who she is?

Wade Burck

Ole Whitey said...

Buckles: Aren't you familiar with the old "Help! I'm losing my drawers style?"

Buckles said...

Ryan, this is the herd I have listed in 1974.
1. Minnie
2. Colonel (male)
3. Shirley
4. Lottie
5. Judy
6. Hattie
7. Trixie
8. Koora (African)
9. Dutchess

Ryan Easley said...

Thank you sir!

Chic Silber said...

Nope Wade I don't

Chic Silber said...

Pretty face & a good shape Wade but

not much of a "style" position

Wade G. Burck said...

"Style position?" Come on, everyone has a different "style position. The "looker" by the way is Ninette Parker Theron.

Wade Burck

Wade G. Burck said...


Ninette Theron Parker, not Ninette Parker Theron, sorry.

Wade Burck

Unknown said...

That beautiful sexy women is Ninette Parker.
Losing her drawers? Have more respect as you would want upon yourself.
Clash? I don't think so after all it is a jungle act, working with elephants.
As far as her stlye-they were not posing for a picture they were performing it was the photographers location.
I love you mom and your the best mom in the world.
Working with you and Wally was a an honor and alot of fun. xoxo

Buckles said...

My sincere apology, I should have known better.

Wade G. Burck said...

I don't think Buckles meant any disrespect, he goof's on himself the same way all the time. Chic, on the other hand, I think meant to be disrespectful. We are guy's and your mother was/is a great looking broad(that wasn't me. That was John Herriott.) In actuality we were quite respectful, given the circumstances.

My best to your mother,

Wade Burck

Bjorn said...

Who is third elephant in this act?

Buckles said...

I was only familiar with a few of those elephants.
Wally gave me the names of the others that he had mostly rounded up from zoos.