Saturday, December 17, 2011

(Set 2) Evansville Shrine #18

DSC07244 by bucklesw1
DSC07244, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

The Jordons congratulating Mr Smith on his last shot along with a lot of the show cast getting their photos taken with Dave; 20 minutes worth after the show. Also Adam Burck had the honors of assisting inside the cannon during the Evansville date on this big shot.



Bruce the Clown said...

Once had the privilege of shooting Dave (Bentley Bros Circus, I forget what year . . .). It was inside that "ugly box" I learned to pray ("please, God, let him hit the net . . .")
Congratulations, Captain Circus!
P.S. Still have all my Craftsman tools . . .

Bruce the Clown