Sunday, June 12, 2011

From Chic Silber

Hi Buckles

I've had this 14" x 22" (standard size) window card for many years

I don't recall where or how I obtained it but I'm very fond of it

It was printed by "Artcraft Litho" & has a printer's union bug

Perhaps someone might know when it's from & who is depicted


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Chris Berry said...

This particular poster dates from the 1964 season

johnny said...

Notice the word Circus predominent in the title. Very seldomn done. They liked the Combined :Shows" better.

Anonymous said...

This poster is from the Mar.24-May 10,1964 season.
I have the exact same window card but from the Apr.1-May 9,1965 season.

Chic Silber said...

Many thanks