Sunday, May 01, 2011

Floats and Tableaux #9

04-29-2011 11;31;30AM, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

This is Sells-Floto in the 1910s. One wonders what they loaded onto the wagon when it wasn't in parade. A few years later the Howes Great London had an air calliope with the same mirrors, or ones that were nearly identical.

C. P. Fox chose this wagon for replication and use in the Old Milwaukee Days parades. It was a good way to inject the patriotic theme into the presentation.

Fred Neill said...

A very odd idea - loading a living horse onto a parade wagon - still, I suppose it saved them having more than one Indian - was there another with a cowboy on it?!

Fred Neill said...

Just looked at the larger size - NOT an Indian - still, a very odd idea though!