Wednesday, February 09, 2011

From Hal Guyon #1

When The Ringling Blue Unit unloaded from the train here in Columbia last week they brought this semi truck down and loaded 2 of the 7 elephants on it for the drive to the arena, while the other 5 made the 4 block walk. In all the years I have been watching them load & unload I have never seen this done before. Do know the reason why this was done ? I`d like you opinion on this. I don`t know if they did this again for the loadout last night because I was watching the Super Bowl and for the first time in years didn`t make it down to watch, it was also really cold here.

Hal Guyon
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Anonymous said...

My recollection is that they do this here in NJ with a couple of bulls just about every year, even on a shortened walk.

Paul Gutheil

Anonymous said...

I may be mistaken, but I believe Tonka and Luna are moved by truck, but they are on the red unit.
-Chris, NY

Joey frisco said...

The elephants that are trucked have a very short attention span. So they are trucked from train to building .