Thursday, September 09, 2010

The Pettus Family #2

Scan13109, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Clyde Beatty- Russell Bros. Circus 1944.
The Show carried 9 elephants.
Bert Pettus at right with Mr. Beatty's three elephants
"Mary", "Sidney" and "Anna May"

In the background, second from left is Mack MacDonald
in charge of Mr. Concello's five elephants
"Margaret", "Elsie", "Daisy", "Dixie" and "Myrtle"

Also included in the herd was an elephant named "Lucy"
owned by Jack Joyce who had been whisked away by the
U.S. Army. In the Fall she was sold to Ben Davenport.


john herriott said...

Its always amazing to me when knowledgeable people try to excuse the decline of the american circus, including Ringling and especially Carson-Barnes for various reasons. TV [pbeem around for 60 plus years], plus other reasons. Obviously when Carson-Barnes went from twenty some to three small town America was aware. When Ringling had twenty on the animal walk and now maybe seven. When Beatty had thirteen, Hoxie had eleven. When J Rinling North [not Henry or john 11] in 1955 had 54 plus doesn't that send a message? ALWAYS IT WAS "bigger and better". nOW ITS AN ALIBI FOR SOME GOOFS STANDING UPSIDE DOWN. They killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Where are the modern day Cristiani Family or Con Coleano or Rose Gould. Thet are wrapped up as chorous in Cirque Soliel or that abortion vcalled Cavalo [something like that]. In a nfew years an enterprising showman will come along and bring it all back and they e=will wonder, what happened? Broadway is smart to stray and then find out to reinvent themselves but would never admit it. Hello to "chorus Line".

Wade G. Burck said...

Finally!!!!! Folks seem to be putting two and two together, instead of looking for all the excuses why it will never be again and the whole world is picking on us.
Wade Burck