Monday, September 20, 2010

From Don Curtis

Hello Buckles,
Recently we hear of so many members of the circus community who are no longer with us.
I'm happy to attach a photo that I had taken earlier this week that shows that the future of the american circus is alive and well
with new gererations coming along.
Shown in the photo is well known Ring of Fame recipient, JoAnne Wilson along with her also well known daughter, Kim Sue Valla; Kim's son Vincent and nine month old daughter, Violet. Vincent rides a high unicycle in the show and Violet has already appeared in the Hanneford finale with dad, Vlastek. Great and talented people all.
Best regards
Don Curtis


Jackie LeClaire said...

What a great lovable family the Wilsons are, and such a contribution to even the circus wold of today. Love, Jackie LeClaire