Thursday, September 16, 2010

From Chic Silber #1

VITALI, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

On the other hand

No blank stare here


Wade G. Burck said...

No way is that a blank stare, it is not a white tiger. Do you think it is a "Bengal/Siberian mix"? Save your time, if you want to look at a blank stare find some pictures of Terrel Jacobs lion/lioness Sheba, or find some photo's of Jungle Land/Thousand Oaks movie cats. You can blank stare to your hearts content.
Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

Clearly you have misunderstood

my notes with this & the last 2

lion photos that were meant to

show just the OPPOSITE of the

"look" on Frederic's lion

This is Vitale from the Calgary

Zoo (where I have spent some time)

The zoo seems to think he is a

Bengal Siberian cross and who are

we to disagree with them

You have taken ALL of this stuff

far to seriously (should be fun)

Let's have a drink at the club

when I get back home Wade OK

Frank Ferrante said...

(Please note that I have wisely judiciously abstained from all commments. Have a WONDERFUL day!)

Anonymous said...

It's a "blank" stare until the pupils flair!
Cindy Potter

Chic Silber said...

There's no charge to enter this

pit show Frank as they only ding

you on the way out

(Any small amount you can spare

to place in that box by the door

will go towards the improvements

for these creatures well being)

Wade G. Burck said...

I did misunderstand, I thought you wanted to know what they were thinking. I was having fun, and I hope you were to. What's with Frank, sitting in the seat's watching the gladiator's like some Roman citizen. LOL He should have grabbed a broad sword and net, and jumped into the fray.

What!!!!!! Nostril's flair, pupil's dilate. The more active an animal. the less "blank" in the stare.
Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

Wade I live in fear of getting

the PAST DUE invoice for ALL the

incredible fun I've had on here

I can't imagine a day without the

ability to poke & otherwise annoy

so many (as you have seen I am an

equal opportunity offender)

Yeah Frank you need to toughen up

Drinks are on me Wade in 2 weeks

I am grateful every day for the

charmed life that I live & for

the many friends I still have

But I also fear the day that I

end up with that blank stare

drooling in the wheelchair

Frank Ferrante said...

Wade - Ever notice that in ALL the gladiator movies that were EVER done, that there are no OLD gladiators?

Chic - Annoying people is what we do best. We have that off-beat sense of humor, people either get us or they don't.

Have a GREAT weekend all! ~frank

Anonymous said...

I've been off the road for so long that I'm afraid to admit it's all becoming a jumble! You are correct, sir! Anyway, I knew that they eyes did "SOMETHING!"