Saturday, September 18, 2010

Carson & Barnes 2010 (From Tim Davison)

Carson and Barnes 2010 126, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Chip Arthurs and the Carson and
Barnes elephants. Aug 28,2010, Iowa Falls, IA.


Jimmy Cole said...

Chip had mentioned to me back in May (when Carson & Barnes was in FL) that he was looking to replace one of the 3 elephants he had. There was apparently a problem with her getting along with the other two...(might have been Viola?) At the time, there were only two elephants in the ring.

Looks like he got the problem fixed one way or the other. A nice looking 3 act!

While I am a die hard fan of live band, traditional circus music, the modern rock & roll music used for this act (electronic) is very good. Same music used on Cole Bros. for the Tim Frisco 5 act. Anyone know the name of it?

Chic Silber said...

Didn't Chip train under Rex on the

Vargas show & isn't he married to

1 of Ingrid's daughters

Anonymous said...

Are the three elephants on Ringling Gold Unit, Minnie, Suzy and Bunny the same Carson and Barnes elephants that worked there in the '80's? If they are, Suzy and Minnie must be getting quite old.

Buckles said...

"Minnie" started out with Kelly-Miller in 1955.
"Suzie" with Jack Moore's Carson & Barnes Circus in 1959.


Yes, Chip worked under Rex and was refered to as: Hollywood, by Rex