Thursday, September 16, 2010

Barbour Bros. Circus (From Pete Rosa)

Here are some photos I took of Harold Barbour at a show we did in Daytona Beach in 2001, FL. I do not think many have seen his circus train. Even the engine is scratch built. I try to keep my model builder friends alive by keeping their work alive.

Joyce and I are going to miss Harold very much. He was a master model builder and carver. My hope is that Howard Tibbals would buy this collection and showcase it in his museum. This is possibly the best circus carving ever accomplished.

Enjoy the work of Harold Barbour.

God Bless you Harold.



William Shoop said...

I met Harold in the early 70s.He use to show his circus at the Winter Oark,Fl. Mall.Great minature circus.He also use to dress up as "Skeeto" the clown.I called him several years ago.I regret not going to see him at home.He was proud of the fact that he put all his kids through college.
If memory serves me correct he was at the Hoxie Tucker Tent raising in 1981.