Friday, September 17, 2010

BAC Dress #13

IMG_6130, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Chinese rope spinning

I've got to say I'm glad there's no curtain, because whenever there is on BAC,
I still keep waiting to see the Woodcock Troupe come charging out.

That's it for a sampling of BAC's new show "Dance On".



Buckles said...

John Cuneo visited one year and said,"The only problem with the Big Apple Circus is that it has a bad case of the Onesy-Twosey's".

One Person Act
Two Person Act
One Person Act
Two Person Act

Anonymous said...

My God with the number of great acts out there how come they have to bring back those Chinese contortion balancing crap. That with their Goat, dog a pony show should be a real world class showstopper. Thank God we have Pedro and Dolly here putting on a world class act show every year. It looks like David Balding and Pedro and Dolly have stolen the best chapter in the book. I assume Grandma will be rehasing the popcorn and tread mill as well. Surprised they could not find a cheap Mexican "Globe of Death" I guess Carden and Ringling have them all tied up. In my eighjty years its always been interesting in jackpots to say, "Whatever hapened to etc. etc. etc. ?"tanglefoot herriott.

Anonymous said...

If this is the "dress rehearsal" where are the "dress" I see abunch of bare topped boys and not one knlocked out "broad" in the whole show. Lets see Barbara Woodc ock or The dog act broad Yamashom a or something like that. I remember Mary rUTH, dANIA, kOCHA, Heidi, and so many others. My favorite intro annoucement is ," You are going to see pretty girls, daring acrobats, funny clowns and HAPPY ANIMALS". Maybe some clown can do a goid "drag" but I doubt it. Tanglefoot during mhy "happy hour" Sincerely

J C Hall said...

To Buckles,
Not getting to FL to often; should there be a group of Chinese,goat/dog or pony acts obtained for the presentation of
(Yes the exquisite Pedro and Dolly produced Circus),(Do give me call).
Should I receive a call it will also be one of my "Happy/Finest hours"