Saturday, August 28, 2010

From Kenny Dodd #1

RIORINGS, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Good morning Professor

The word is out

My dear friend Kenny Dodd brought me 2 photos of the

Ringling date in Rio that Jackie wrote about last week

and asked me to scan & send them to you

The 1st one is nearly a duplicate of the entire arena

but the 2nd one shows the unintended aqua spectacular

that Jackie mentioned


"Chic, you must be aware that both Mr. Dodd and Mr. LeClair know where a lot of bodies are buried. This might be a dangerous undertaking!"


Chic Silber said...

Yes Buckles I know but I also

am aware that they can both be

tighter than a drum when they

feel it's appropriate

Kenny & I have been friends for

nearly 50 years & I met Jackie

when I moved down to Sarasota

back in 72 (through Kenny)