Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sarasota 1947 #2

Scan000010998, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Kernaudi" and "Minyak" doing the handshake with Charlotte
who later became Mrs. Harry Thomas as mentioned recently
by Jackie LeClair.

With the loss of "Sudan", Hugo quickly replaced her with the
smaller African "Emily".
Logan once told me that in the 1948 elephant display, all three
trainers rode white horses into the rings ahead of their respective
herds and after they came in line, grooms would lead the horses
out. Later in the act during the "over he garden wall" sequence,
"Emily" was brought in and she quickly went over a tub, sat up
and then taken back to the menagerie..
As mentioned before, my mother and I saw the Ringling Show
in 1948 and I don't recall any horses or African elephant so all
that must have fallen by the wayside.