Monday, July 19, 2010

From Dennis J. Younger #1

remembrance, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


john herriott said...

We were having a fine season at the CIRCUS wORLD mUseum when word came of his passing. I talked with our Ringmaster-announce Paul Luckey and we dedicated each of three perf. that day in r4espect and remembrance and pointed out that he had been a center ring star of the circus [not just in thebiz] for FOURTY TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS. cERTAINLY A RECORD. and I saw him numerous times in Detroit [the big shrine date] and on the road on a cold, fall, drizzly night in Lawton,Ok. to few customers and he put on the same great performance. What a great rep. of the circus and a great man.

Ole Whitey said...

Thanks, Dennis, for getting this up. The date had slipped up on me. Usually Roger is the first one to be heard from but I think he had a doctor's appointment today.

Clyde Beatty was my boyhood idol. Hard to believe he's now been gone longer than he was with the circus.

Roger Smith said...

Computer is down for a week, and I'm off for surgery. Sorry to have otherwise missed this 45th anniversary of his passing.

Chic Silber said...

Hope it goes well Roger & best

wishes for a speedy recovery