Saturday, July 31, 2010

From Buckles #1

SAVE0863, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Robert Thornton.


johnny said...

This separates the men from the boys. Just getting those houdis on those GD Zebras is a feat in itself. And the rest is beyond my comprhetion. Thorton had to be quite a guy. It was said that he could work any animal act on the Barnes show, wild or domestic. My dad was with him for a vseason on John Robinson and said he was a fine EQ. Director much respected by all. He started with arnes and had quite a carerr around so many exceptional trainers.

Darryl said...

my thoughts to getting anything on zebras is an ordeal

Chic Silber said...

Must have been a chore to keep

up the paint on those ponies

Chic Silber said...

I prefer Oso Buco myself Jimmy

(Cafe Baci here in town does

a really nice job with it)

Anonymous said...

Years ago when I still lived in California, the late Chang Reynolds let me read an interview he did with Bob Thornton, trainer for the Barnes show. I wish I could remember more of it, but that was probably at least 40 years ago. Bob trained all kinds of animals, which of course was the big draw with the Barnes show.
I do remember that the only animal that he said that he couldn't trained were peccaries, the wild pig-like animals. Chang gave a lot of his circus research to the Circus World Museum and I believe that it still resides there in their library.

Bill Schreiber