Saturday, July 24, 2010

Equestrians! #10

MAIL0182, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

3 rings & 2 stages of Liberty Horses with RBBB presented by
Harry Herzog, Jorgen Christianson, Mabel Stark,
Vladamir Schraube and Rudolph Mayer.


johnny said...

This had to be the epitome of liberty presentation. Two six horse acts on big stages. [Stark worked one set]. Two twelve horse acts in each end ring and Cristiansen in the center with twenty four. All together in one display. Imagine how many grooms and leaders.

Henry Schroer said...

My Onkel, Franz Althoff had 60 Liberty Horses in one display, all Stallions. Before I left his show to go to Circus Williams we had 100 horses in the ring, wich was oval, about 42meter by 13 meter. When the came out of the ring and had to be sorted to get in to the stables there was always fighting like hell and we had allmost everyday one or two grooms that had to be treated in the hospital.It was a amazing display but a lot of work and quite dangeros. The did the change, waltz, in twos, in threes and all 100 reared up. There was two trainers in the ring, mostly my Onkel and his son, one on each end of the ring. After my Onkel closed the show the most horses anybody had in the ring was 36 in a 13meter round. That was Christel Sembach from Circus Krone.

Chic Silber said...

I have always been amazed wehen

seeing umages like this with all

that formal wear & elegant gowns

wondering how they managed on a

"mud show" no matter the size

It had to be a great chalenge

Henry that sounds monumental

but can't imagine 100 at 1 time

Anonymous said...

John and Henry, do you know if there is any movie film of these incredible presentations ?

Always appreciate your comments.

Paul Gutheil

Frank Ferrante said...

Chic - Think of the current performance area of the Ringling show without the rings, that would be about the same size as what Henry is stating, 42 meters x 13 meters would be about 137'x42'. I see by the first picture on today's blog that it is certainly possible. ~frank