Monday, July 12, 2010

Al G. Barnes aftermath! #1

SAVE1408, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The American Circus was and is a remarkable institution
inasmuch as it can be practically destroyed one morning and
and somehow by salvaging what remains, not miss a show.


Buckles said...

These pictures come from a different disaster since the big top in the pictures above appears to have survived the storm.
Here we see the "Act Beautiful" coming down the track. Notice the Collie doing the Figure 8 under the horse's belly.

Dick Flint said...

As I noted under the blowdown photo #3, the show experienced 3 blowdowns in four days (July 14, 16-17, 1925) with the final one knocking out the big top. Clown Toby Tyler took these aftermath photos in Choteau and Sunburst, Montana, on July 18-19, 1925.
Thanks, Buckles, for pointing out the collie doing the figure 8 under the horse; never saw this type of act as it hasn't been done in years.
Dick Flint