Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Rubin & Cherry (Set 1) #4

Rubin & Cherry No. 1-4, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The front of what looks like a rather substantial Mirror Palace.



This Glasshouse, mfg. by the Spillman, co. of N. Tonowanda, Ny ended up at Funland Park in Miami. The park was located at the corner of 27thave.&79thst. The glasshouse had changed ownership, in the mid-40's going from R&C to Cavalcade of America Shows. This was a wagon front piece.
I worked at Funland Park during the winters of59-60 and 60-61.
I met Billy Burr at the park in 59' and am proud to have been his friend since. As most of you know Billy is a top-notch circus fan and at one time owned a beautiful carnival, traveling the New England area.

Anonymous said...

When I was about 8, my folks let me go thru a house of mirrors and I walked straight thru. My mother bitched about how little time it took me and the guy let me go again, with the same results. He asked me how I did it so quickly and I said I watched the floor, not the mirrors.
Bob Kitto