Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Havana #2

Scan13034, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I cropped this out of the picture above with hopes catching a
glimpse of Che......all I can see is Jack Leontini.


Jackie LeClaire said...

I worked the two Christmas season shows with Ringling being in Havana most of December, through the holidays and closing some time in January. I will always remember the hired help dying the sawdust red and blue for the ring. They were just, almost waist deep in it, turing it over inthe dye trying to get it to take. What a job. Everyone treated us like great stars, which we weren't used to on the Ringling show. We made friends withthe Taxi drivers real quick and they would all be lined up after the show at night just for us, waiting to take us to our hotel, which about over 90% of the performers stayed. The Hotel Ocean over looking Morro Castle. I made the 49-50 season when Predident Prio was in power, but the 50-51 season had dictator Batista. So many memories. Jackie LeClairej