Wednesday, June 23, 2010

From Richard Whitmarsh #1

Scan13028, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.



Chic Silber said...

This shot is looking from ring 2

across ring 1 (& the flying net)

toward the front wall of the Arena

& the hockey scoreboard not that

anyone would care

Chic Silber said...

Can't be seen in this photo but

we had colored shavings in the

rings ala Tommy Clarke

Mike Naughton said...

Did the Beatty-Cole show come up to Commack to start the season then return south to resume the regular route?

Chic Silber said...

For the 1st years (61-63) the

show went from the Easter date

in Commack to Palisades Park

in N J with double sidewall &

very inefficient heaters

Then for 1 year (maybe 64 or 65)

they went to Wilson N C and laid

over a couple of weeks before

reopening in the D C area which

is where they reopened for quite

a few years thereafter