Wednesday, June 09, 2010

From Richard Reynolds #2

!cid_X_MA1_1275947940@aol, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Richard Reynolds says - - -

Here is a blow up of big top and backyard part of the Tibbals photo.

Note the three groupings of Court cages, one for each of the three arena acts. For the two end ones, the tunnels or chutes go straight into the big top while the one for the center ring leopard act is "S" shaped and goes in right alongside the right back door. [That's where it went into the tent when I sat on the top row right above it the year before in 1940.]

In the lower center (on the pathway through the back yard next to the wagons and the rightmost group of Court cages) stands Old King Cole's palanquin throne. It seems to sitting up on saw horses. The blow up causes fuzziness.