Friday, June 25, 2010

2010 Gil Gray Reunion #1 (From Jim Hall)

DSC06249, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

A few photos of the Gil Gray reunion hosted by George Carden at the Old Mill Inn on the State Fair grounds in Dallas, TX
during the Dallas Shrine date this year. It was good to see a lot of the old group. I have some shots of the Dallas date March 31st thru April 4th that I am going to send you next.
James Hall


J C Hall said...

Faces that can be seen are left to right
1-Tepa Hall,2-Kandra Craig,3-4-Slick and Raymond Valentine,5-Pattie Henry 6-Denise Zoppe Olmeda,7-Betty Carden 8-Louis Olmeda,9-Billy Woods 10.Robert (Billy Woods Grandson), 11-Judy Jacobs.