Thursday, April 29, 2010

From Pat Wentzel

IMGP6535, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Hi! My daugther Marsha Wentzel Cooper and grandson Bradley of Lynchburg, VA attended the 4:30 performance of Cole Bros earlier today. After 4:30 performance Viola escaped. Marsha was able to capture photos of Viola’s return to the lot.

Thank you for your work with the Blog.


"During my career I have been both the chaser and the chasee.
Being the chaser is better."



Chic Silber said...

Laughing so hard it hurts as I

have this incredible image of

you hightailing it out in front

of some unruly herd

Sure would make a prize winning

video clip

klsdad said...

Heh.. What a co-incidence....

I'm re-reading the first of the three books BY Gary Jennings on the circus titled "ROADSHOW" Spangle Vol 1(1987).!!! Their small circus with their elephant Peggy.. and lion Maximus are NOW play in Lynchburg!! - albeit right after the Civil War.

Recommend the three books.


John Goodall said...

Hey, klsdad. In 1987, Gary Jennings published the novel, "Spangle", about the adventures of a nineteenth-century circus troupe. It takes the reader from the embittered and impoverished post-Civil War South to the glittering and decadent capitals and courts of Europe, from the turbulent kingdom of Italy to the grim empire of the Russian Tsar, and finally to Paris under wartime siege. The volume was over 800 pages.

"FLORIAN'S FLOURISHING FLORILEGIUM OF WONDERS reads the sign on the circus wagon. Readers are taken behind the scenes to learn the tricks of the trapeze artist, the language of the lion tamer, and the secrets of the strongman's strength.

"Spangle" is more than thrilling, for it is also a vivid tour of nineteenth-century Europe, from its stolid innkeepers to its absinthe-drinking poets and - even more - a portrait of a continent on the brink of convulsive change, of three empires that will topple before half a century has passed, of the emergence of the new nations of Germany and Italy - in short, the birth of modern Europe.

"Spangle" is full of fascinating circus lore, thrilling feats of artistry and bravery and erotic entanglements."

Subsequently, "Spangle" was released in paperback, split into a trilogy: "The Road Show", Spangle vol. 1, "The Center Ring", Spangle vol 2 and "The Grand Promenade" Spangle vol 3.

Gary Jennings died in 1999.

Frank Ferrante said...

Guess there will be no sequel to "Spangle", st least not by Jennings. ~frank