Wednesday, March 03, 2010

George W. Hall Elephants

Scan12632, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Typed on the back of this picture by an unknown source.
"Col. Geo. W. Hall's elephants about 1894. From left to right:
Baby Palm (Pearl?), the big elephant next to trainer, Fatty Shea, is Gypsy or Empress. This is the elephant that killed Jimmy the Bum in Chicago with Harris Nickel Plate Show. Next elephant is Queen.
Empress is the elephant that crippled up Col. Hall many years ago, leaving him lame for the rest of his life. I saw Gypsy push eleven cars loaded on a level track.
(Information from Frank Hall)

This conflicts with the information I have.

QUEEN (O'Brien Queen)
1870 J.N French Circus
1871-87 John "Pogey" O'Brien Circus
1888-90 Clark Bros. Circus
1992 Ringling Bros. Circus
1993-95 George W. Hall Shows
1896-01 Harris Nickel Plate Shows
1902 Gollmar Bros. Circus
1903-09 Sells & Downs Circus
(Killed Robert White in 1885 with the O'Brien Show while in Phila. Quarters)

I remember Walter Jennier telling my dad of some of Queen's escapades while on the Nickel Plate Show. Wish I had paid closer attention.


joey ratliff said...

Bill Johnston wrote an aricle called Tough Circus Elephants an it included "Gypsy" from the Nickel Plate Shows. She was some kind of horror. She was responsible for at least 4 victims.