Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Rosie" #3

!cid_X_MA1_1269920372@aol, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Richard Reynolds says - -

Candler used Rosie to give rides just as Fisher had done. Here is Rosie at the Candler Zoo pulling what looks like the same cart that Fisher had used. It makes sense that Fisher also sold Candler the cart.

Candler decided to close his zoo in 1935. Around the beginning of April 1935 Rosie left for Honest Bill Newton's Walter Main show. She was supposed to climb into a truck at the zoo but balked. They would get her close but then she would toss her head and back up. So, the zoo foreman, the late Johnny Dilbeck, and others began a procession. The truck drove slowly along the roads with Rosie following. Every mile or so the truck would stop and they would try to load Rosie - -same result. This went on for many hours and some 15 miles with Dilbeck swearing loudly and profanely at Rosie (I can just hear him). Finally, the old gal gave up and climbed in . She was then off to Honest Bill's. Dilbeck told me this story himself.

Rosie was with was Honest Bill's Main Show through 1937, then Newton Bros. in '38, and Honest Bill in 1939. Ben Davenport got her for 1940 for his Dailey Bros. where she trouped until her death in 1943.


Buckles said...

Smokey and Rex both told me that "Rosie" was very tall.
Even when she was standing in a relaxed position with her trunk down, they could easily walk under her chin.