Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cristiani Bros. Circus 1956 #1 (From Peter Rosa)

Buckles, there are about 40 photos in this series . Please feel free to make comments.

I have always read and been told that the Christiani name was changed to CRISTIANI when they came to RBBB due to the name CHRIST being in the name. However although the name on the trucks say CRISTIANI with the dropped "H", the marque carries the "H" in the word CHRISTIANI. What are your thoughts?

Photographer: George Brinton Beal


Dick Flint said...

In his definitive history of the Italian circus, "Questa Sera Grande Spettacolo: Storia del Circo Italiano" (A Wonderful Show Tonight: the Story of the Italian Circus), the late Italian circus historian Alessandro Cervellati never used an "H" in the family's name. Likewise, I've never seen it used in contemporary references to the act's European appearances before their arrival in the US.
Dick Flint
snowbound in Baltimore
(we have "white tops" on every bush, car, tree, or structure in this region!)

Ron Henon said...

I believe it was just an error in spelling. All the canvas was brand new in 1956. Most was made in Sarasota, and delivered to the winter quarters on Gocio Road. I was a clown and juggler in those days. The clowns had to set up the marquee.

Ron Henon

Roger Smith said...

DICK FLINT: To underscore your comment, an eagle-eyed friend of mine visited their Winterquarters and commented to Lucio about the H in a logo. Lucio smiled and pointed to a truck lettered "Cristiani Bros. Circus", and said, "That one is right."

Jimmy Cole said...

In Richard Hubler's 1966 book "The Cristianis", on page 7, it is briefly mentioned that the letter "H" in thier name was removed by request of the Pope.

Many in the Cristiani family however dispute the accuracy of that book. In speaking to Tino Cristiani, whom I saw yesterday at the fair, I mentioned this to him, and he simply said his dad (Lucio) told him it was a mis-spelling on the part of the tent maker. That "Christiani" title also appeared on the side show banner line, and on some souvineir badges.

I'll go with the Cristiani version on this!

Anonymous said...

I had never seen the 'H" in the name and thought this picture to be a real gem.

Pete Rosa