Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chang #2

chang-2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

While on location, the production team lived in huts on stilts (to protect them from wild animals) and endured the same hardships and dangers as the natives. (Schoedsack suffered from malaria for most of the 14 months he was on location.)

An attractive Laotian family was selected for the principal players, and production got under way using a rough story outline that was flexible enough to allow the inclusion of actual situations that developed during filming.


Eric said...

At the time CHANG was made, the dangers from prowling wild animals in this area of Siam were quite real. Nearly 400 local natives had been killed by tigers and leopards in the preceding five years. One night, a 20-foot python invaded Schoedsack’s room, which was 30 feet above the ground.