Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mills Bros. Cirus 1963 #7

Rolling Globes, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Bud said...

Diaz sisters I believe .
They Juggled very well all togeather also .

Jimmy Cole said...

The 1963 Mills Bros. program lists the act as "The Alexanders" from Paris, France

Chic Silber said...

Reminds me of the Verdus

Another classy globe act that was

electrified by the frantic antics

of Mr Verdu

Roger Smith said...

On Castle, Mr. Verdu confessed to me he lived in constant dread of losing a girl. "Mein God! I pay for their hair, I pay for their makeup, I pay to get their rotten teeth fixed. What you think? Sure as hell, one by one, they get knocked up and leave me! One by one, poof! Gone! My money, too! Poof!"

His worry was forever in evidence, especially after the night show. He and Mrs. Verdu slept in the front of their trailer while the girls were sequestered in the back. When some brave lovelorn swain tried talking to them through their tiny window at night, Madame Verdu came roaring out like a ferocious mama bear, quinching the urgent desires of the most ardent would-be suitor.

Chic Silber said...

Sounds like you felt her ferocity

first hand Roger (quite detailed)

Roger Smith said...

Not at all, Chic. My wife and children were with me. But I can name the intrepid few who dared...