Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ringling-Barnum Elephants #4

SAVE0300, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Who were the four tuskers on RBBB?

Buckles said...

The two young tuskers at right would be "Chief" and "Pilate".
The big male in the center with short tusks is probably "Mandrin".
And one of the heavy tuskers at left would be "Fritz" and the other I couldn't say, either "Don Pedro" or "Nick".

Anonymous said...

Isn't this B&B? Mandarin was dropped overboard when B&B came back from Europe. Fritz remained back in France, "stiff."

Buckles said...

It is indeed.

Richard Reynolds said...

This is one of a series of photos that I think were taken in London's Olympia.

Don Pedro and Nick were executed in England, Fritz in France, and Mandarin on the ship in NY harbor when the show returned late in 1902

Mandarin was a tuskless male from Ceylon where tuskless males are common.

Bailey seems to have been on a kick to get rid of his tough males.

He also ordered the execution of the Forepaugh-Sells male Dick in April,1900 while that show was in the Garden in place of B&B when it was in Europe. There is a complete report of the execution in the NY Times for April 23, 1900.