Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Route Cards #1 (Group 3)

Scan11690, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Chic Silber said...

I find it interesting that a few

of these don't have the year

shown on the card (in the 1st

card only the tour number)

Buckles said...

Both Cole Bros. and Robbins Bros. (as seen in the next picture) were owned by Jess Adkins and Zack Terrell.
Since each card bears the same picture of unknown mustached gentlemen, both were probably from 1938.

Ole Whitey said...

The guy on the left of this Cole Bros card is Martin Downs. He might have been the first man to use the Cole Bros title- somebody jump in here on this point.

I suspect this card may have been from the Cole Bros owned by the brothers King as the dates listed don't agree with any route of the early years of the Adkins-Terrell show of that name.

Chic Silber said...

Is there any chance that Zack

was related to St John (Sinjin)

Terrell who was the 1st to put

a summer theater in a circus tent

Lambertville Music Circus

The story I heard was that a show

went bust and left their top on

a lot he owned in NJ for rent due

Harry Kingston said...

This is not a 1938 card as with the Billboard address and not Rochester is the first suspect.
I am with Dave as it is probably a 1930 one used by the famous King Bros.
Martin J. Downs used the Cole title in 1906. J. augustus Jones used the title in 1916. Elmer Jones in 1922, and Adkins and Terrell in 1935.
I was Floyd King that got them to used Cole Bros world toured circus as there was a ton of old paper left over they could get real cheap.
They used this paper till it ran out as well as the new paper they bought from Erie.