Sunday, May 10, 2009

From Sharon Maybee #2

Grant01, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi there: See what I received in today's email after all the searching and digging for so many years! Thought I would share this with you.. Sharon

This notice was in the May 1, 1943 edition of the New Castle News

From Buckles
I vividly remember this. Soon after my mother and I arrived in York from Hot Springs to open the season, we were taken to the Hospital. I remember the room was filled with flowers and the lady said, "I know people mean well but all these flowers remind me of a funeral". I was told she died that night.


Buckles said...

The trip from Hot Springs to York was made by rail. I forget how many changes we made but the coach on the last leg of the journey had nothing more than wooden benches.
There was an endless parade of candy butchers working the aisles and at one point they even made a candy pitch.
My mother said, "This would be a joke if my rear end wasn't so sore!"