Tuesday, May 19, 2009

From Paul Gutheil

IMG_6032, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Buckles: Just wanted to send you and Barbara the attached photo of these wonderful
people who took us out to dinner for our 27th anniversary. It was during the
run of the Salaam Shrine/Hanneford show in NJ. Great show, lots of animals.



Wade G. Burck said...

If it walks like and quacks like!!!!! Jesus Christ, he's even starting to look like James C. Hall!!!!! LOL
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

OMG (not insinuating that Wade is god), that is exactly what I thought this morning! The important thing is that they all look very happy!

JimZajicek said...

I wonder which Guy excused himself first to go to the Restroom...Once the Check arrived??....

Wade G. Burck said...

That's not happy, in the happy sense. That's low bidding the scrap man on a pickup load of pig iron. It's more giggly then happy.