Tuesday, May 19, 2009

From KLSDAD #1

BannerAtConeyIslandRingilingBoomARing, originally uploaded by bucklesw1

Have my ticket for Ringling opening night at Coney Island...
June 18, 2009. My ticket, purchased through Ticketmaster.
I chose to have my ticket printed in advance for scanning at the
gate for the additional $2.50. The convenience and handling charges
of $8.90 also Ticketmaster's!! Talk about add-on's!
(Hope I don't have to purchase a seat-upgrade when I get inside the tent!!)
Oh.. here's a shot of a banner flying in the wind on the boardwalk
at Coney Island (courtesy the Coney Island site). I hope the graffiti isn't
another type of sign!! Was there ever a problem with graffiti
(I know the name wasn't coined yet) on the wonderful paper in the "old days"??


bud said...

That thing is a Circus Poster ?