Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1973 Red Show #8

Ringling 1973-10, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The spec that year featured kids picked from the audience. (Is the ringmaster Tim Holst?)


Henry Schroer said...

Not Tim, can`t think of his name anymore but I remember he had red Hair.

Mike Naughton said...

Ringmaster Bob Welz.
Clowns from left to right -
Keith Crary (now Emmy winning make-up artist), Duane Thorpe (the dancer in the front of the South American section in the movie GSOE), Richard Mann (King Richard), Jimmy Briscoe and in front is Mike Padilla who started his career as one of Alfredo Landon's little people.

Larry Kellogg said...

The 101st Edition Ringmaster was Bob Welz.

Anonymous said...

It's Bob Welz. --- ToddP

Frank Ferrante said...

At the closing show that year, knowing his contract wasn't being renewed, he did this whole "Buffalo Bob Welz" thing. ~frank

Jim A. said...

Did Bob Welz go on to do a juggling act on ice skates?

Frank Ferrante said...

Don't know about that... just know that he was on pretty thin ice when he left the show! ~frank

Jack Ryan said...

Frank is right.

Let's just say that Mr. Welz was not one of Mr. Feld's favorite employees.

Frank Ferrante said...

Mr. Ryan, I love your sense of subtlety! If you're ever in Arizona, please look me up. ~frank

adam Kucher said...

I met Bob Welz working on a cruise ship a few years ago. He did do a juggling act on skates. On the ship he worked in a lounge singing and playing the piano.

Mike Naughton said...

I'd like you all to meet Adam Kucher, excellent clown and nephew of the aforementioned Keith Crary.