Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1973 Red Show #4

Ringling 1973-4, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Liberty horses photographed in the backyard of the San Diego Sports Arena. (Back then, a circus fan with a camera could stand by the back door and get great action photos without being run off.)


dpowhitetiger said...

PRIOR TO AR DAYS: Yes, those were the days when you could visit and take pictures and totally enjoy a Three Show Saturday visit on Ringling....Along came the AR's with there protests. NO MORE visits or pictures....

Starting Mon., RINGLING TRAIN ON Horseshoe Curve
May 18th - Altoona, PA we will have the BLUE Unit Train changing crews coming from Columbus,OH to Hershey,PA then on May 26th a train crew change Blue Unit enroute to Peoria,IL. RED UNIT: June 1st train crew change enroute to Omaha,NE.....So, a number of train pictures will be taken at HorseShoe Curve and downtown Altoona.