Wednesday, May 13, 2009

1973 Red Show #15

Ringling 1973-7, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

One of the aerial ballet girls waiting to go on. (That year, the web number had an American Indian theme.)


Anonymous said...

Actually the aerial ballet theme was not American Indian, but rather Aztec. I have two of the capes and one headdress that is a giant Aztec eagle design. The costumes are amazing and once again a tribute to Don Foote.
Neil Cockerline
Minneapolis, MN

Jack Ryan said...

The web number that year, "The Eagle Calls," had an American Indian theme... "The Imperial Indian Nation Gathers for a Preeminent Pow-Wow! Mesmerizing Maidens Join Brawny Braves...etc. etc."

Elvin, doing the heel catch act over ring two was billed as "The Thunderbird of the Trapeze."

Not sure why the capes would be Aztec but in the world of circus costuming, a bit of latitude is expected.

Henry Schroer said...

The girl on the Horse is the wife of Keith Greens drummer Bob ?

clownron said...

The capes drove my horse nuts during dress rehearsal. It reared one show and dumped the showgirl and I found myself dangeling off the ground. The groom near me yelled "pull on the lead..." Like I said , I was HANGING from it at the time.