Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1973 Red Show #10

Ringling 1973-12, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Pay-off elephants from when Mattel was picking up the tab for their blankets. (If you would convert the cost of these blankets into 2009 dollars, you would probably have the total cost for producing this year’s Red Unit edition!) Somewhere down there, walking along with the elephants is Mark Oliver, who must have been only about 4 years old at the time.


GaryHill said...

That looks like him walking the second elephant, its not Piccalo because the person isn't bowlegged.:)

Frank Ferrante said...

Piccalo wouldn't have been too far away from Mark Oliver - ever.

Eric said...

Periodically, we need to look at photos like these to judge just how much the Ringling show has changed since the 1970s. I rather suspect that the parents and grandparents who take their kids to see the show remember when the performances were all like this one, and wonder why they’re not getting the same type of production today. (As they munch their $15 floss, the kids themselves probably wonder what the big deal is about going to see a circus!)

Anonymous said...

The current of CR says that they now have lites in the floss, wait until Kenny figures out what he can charge for this great new invention.
Bob Kitto