Tuesday, April 07, 2009

From Dave Price

Buckles14, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

When Little Bob Stevens and Bill Griffith went out under the Sells Bros title in 1962, they used this design on their letterhead and on various other pieces. I think the artwork had originated on Adams Bros and featured portraits of Bill and his dad. At the time of the Sells Bros use, there was some speculation as to where these bearded individuals had come from; investigation revealed that they were not of the original Sells Bros family.

After years of the most scholarly and rigorous research it can now be told whence the portraits came.

Shocking as it may be, several old-time men of the cloth once endorsed a vile and evil beverage called "Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey" and allowed their portraits to be used in advertising this elixir of the devil. Two
of these gents have been memorialized by their appearance on the circus letterhead.

As you know alcohol endorsements are a passing thing and soon forgotten, whereas circus letterheads last forever.


Paul H. said...

Now, THAT'S funny!! Bill Griffith was one creative guy to say the least.

I have a couple of Sells Bros. program/coloring books from '63 that include that design if anybody's interested.