Friday, March 06, 2009

New Orleans Zoo #1 (From Joey Ratliff)

Carl Hagenbeck001, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Good evening Buckles,

Here is something I thought you might like. Jon Pult and I were talking about some of the old elephants that have been at Audubon zoo the other day. In particular the zoo's first elephant "Itema" (1918-1960, arrived at zoo in '24). Back in December her skeleton was accidentally unearthed while consturction of a new baseball complex was being built in the park. I IDed the bones based on a group of pictures of her being buried, certain landmarks in the photos are still in place. The photos were given to me by the son of her old keeper. Anyway, Jon went home and searched through some old newspaper archives online and found some great stuff. This first article is about Harry Mooney training 8 punks at Audubon for J.L. Gribble of Kentucky in 1921. The second one I will send is about Carl Hagenbeck setting up his circus winterquarters in New Orleans in 1906. Hope you enjoy them. He found lots of stuff and can't wait to see what's next.



Wade G. Burck said...

I am wondering if leaving him "thrown" for most of a day, had more to do with his death, then a broken blood vessel? Great story Joey. Thank you.
Wade Burck