Monday, March 23, 2009

Cole Bros. 2009 #1 (From Jim Cole)

IMG_9477, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I received these yesterday from Jimmy and at first thought, "Wow! Is it that time again already?"
Then I noticed the date and realized that these were taken at the opening performance in DeLand a year ago.

Strangely enough, almost immediately I received a like number from Adam Hill taken the same day, one even shows Jimmy in the background taking a picture of Adam. I wonder what the odds of this coincidence happening might be?

I haven't seen this show in several years so I find both sets interesting and will include Adam's pictures in a few days.

Buckles, The Cole Bros. photos are from THIS YEAR'S opening. 2009....taken two days ago. Same for Adam Hill's.
Jimmy Cole

Hi Buckles
When you put up the pictures I sent to you could you mention the costumes made for the silks were made buy Bonnie Bale.
Also this is the first time in many years Cole changed from latter's for the production aerial display.
I was having trouble with my camera so I didn't get the pictures during the show that I wanted I was happy for what I got.
Take care
Adam Hill