Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Circus World 1974 #5

Scan10809, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Where was this 19 story elephant going to be? It doesn't seem to appear on the overall layout . . . ?

Bruce the Clown

Buckles said...

It was indeed in the original planning, in fact Chappie led me and Ted Svertesky to the very spot it was to be built.
He explained that the elephant would be 16 stories high and the "howdah" would be a restaurant from which on a clear day, you could see both the Atlantic Ocean to the East and the Gulf of Mexico to the West.

Chic Silber said...

When the Mattel people did some

reevaluation of their agreement

with the Feld organization they

took the entire project away and

brought in some hot shots from

"Grand Ol Opry" to oversee and

redesign the park

The Elephant was the 1st to go

along with the "soft" top on the

main building that had resembled

a real tent (which then became a

hard roof that resembled a KFC

warehouse) from the road

There are soooo many stories

most of which I'm sure Buckles

remembers (more than I)


Wade G. Burck said...

God Bless ballyho and the circus. Where else could you expect to see Jumbo depicted as an Asian. No sense in letting facts get in the way of a grand construction project, as well as a story. LOL
Wade Burck

jerry digney said...

if i recall, the elephant hotel was to be separate from the park on an adjacent plot.