Monday, February 09, 2009

Nice looking little show!

Scan11286, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This is another group of publicity pictures from albums I purchased in 1995.

I never saw this show but I did know the owner Ozzie Shleentz.
Surprising how many well known people trouped with it during it's brief history and the high regard they all held.


Anonymous said...

Does anybody know the name of the circus movie with Jumbo the elephant, a circus owner named Antony, who creates the Human Cannon, and the owners daughter is named Wendy. I caught snippets of it on television the other day, but I didn't catch the name of it. It was very cute. There is also a performer named Mantino? Miss Wendy's love interest.

Mike Naughton said...

Billy Rose's JUMBO
Jimmy Durante played POP WONDER
Doris Day played Kitty
Pop Wonder had a Cannon for his girl friend LU LU (Martha Raye)
Kitty's love interest was Sam Rawlins, a man of mystery who joins the show is played by Stephen Boyd.

Since the POP WONDER CIRCUS is in trouble the competitor's circus the JOHN NOBLE CIRCUS wants to buy/obtain/etc the star attraction, JUMBO.

As the story unfolds, it is revealed that Sam Rawlins is John Noble's son; Sam has been paying the creditors off and intends to get JUMBO.

When the plot is revealed to Jimmy Durante, who vows that nobody is going to get Jumbo, Kitty asks where he intends to hid the elephant and Jimmy replies, "I've got a friend in DEEEE-troit with a basement."

Kitty is betrayed by Sam, Sam has a change of heart and defies his father, the typical chauffer-driven, cane carrying, homburg wearing circus owner.

The movies tag line was, "Jump for Joy It's Jumbo!'

To nail down your question -- the cannon and Mantino are definte Jumbo movie details. When the real MANTINO, a mask wearing high wire walker, blows the show because of not getting paid, Sam Rawlins fills in wearing the mask.

Which Riding Act appeared in closing scene when the four riders, dressed in white did the running leap to the back of the galloping horse?

Anonymous said...

The Cristianis. Cosetta doubled for Doris Day during the long shots of her bareback act.
Neil Cockerline
Minneapolis, MN

Anonymous said...

The Hannefords

Anonymous said...

Corky Cristiani doubled for Doris Day in the movie "Jumbo". - Not Cosetta. Charles Hanson