Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hanneford in White Plains 2/14/09 (From KLSDAD)

Hanneford Circus Feb 14-09, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.
Feb. 14, 2009

Very good show!!

Here are a few shots of the elephant
displays, one with a youngster and baby
Bell in the first act, and two grown and
one youngster in the second act.

Among the other very good acts - Rhesus monkey
review, Afgan hounds, rosinback riding act
with back somersault, motorcycle high wire,
wheel-of-death, quick change. But... no cat act.

Was a thrill to say hello to Mrs. Hanneford.

No elephant rides. Only photos on bull
tub in front of the elephant, or with a Burmese
python, and pony rides.

Popcorn.. $6.

Regards.. klsdad


Mike Naughton said...

I believe it is Baby Val from Carson and Barnes.

From my memory, Don Francisco's PAN AMERICAN CIRCUS was a White Plains tradition from the late 60's (could be earlier).

Tommy got the date from local promoter extraordinaire, Ed Ciccolini (CHICK PRODUCTIONS) in 1975. Don Francisco did the 76 date as Tommy had a conflicting booking at Detroit.

Hannefords have been in White Plains every year since 76, including a fall date one year.

In the 70's the Saturday morning show was a sell-out to IBM, located nearby, it was an UNADVERTISED show that served as the dress rehearsal.

CHICK PRODUCTIONS also brought HANNEFORDS into Rockland County, across the Tappan Zee Bridge, to a disappointing weekend at ROCKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE field house. The area has grown by leaps and bounds, today might be a different story.

Don Francisco had a very nice low wire act assisted by Mrs. Francisco, MARY. Their private name was Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mijares, Sr.

While Evansville is a jewel among Shrine dates, White Plains has proven to be a jewel among "independent" dates -- there is no sponsor. It is a success because the public (very demanding, NYC metro demographics) knows they will get a great show.

As Dr. Suess could have written about White Plains, "OH, THE ACTS YOU WILL SEE..."

Mike Naughton said...

Every year SINCE 77.

Anonymous said...

Who is presenting the elephants?

Anonymous said...

This is the same show we had here in Columbia, SC the first weekend in Febuary for the Jamil Shrine. The young bulls were 6 year old Obert and 3 year old Val, Tim Frisco was their handler. He also had 3 other Carson Barnes bulls, but only worked 2 of them. The only problem here in Columbia is the height limits in the building did not permit the sky cycle or wheel of death. Jamil Shrine owns the building and thus does not have to pay a rental fee. I think Hannerford has been playing here for at least 30+ years. Struppi was really looking and doing fine, I had a long talk with her and Tim on Thursday before the shows started on Friday. Buckles, I even remember you and Col Herriot being here with Hanneford years ago.

Anonymous said...

Not to dispute knowledgeable friend Mike's info, I am nevertheless compelled to mention that according to the comment made by White Plains mayor DelFino to a straw house performance and folks on the Hanneford show, next year will mark the Royal Hanneford Circus' 40th anniversary at the Civic Center. There is a large photo on display in the lobby showing a 5 elephant act and it is dated 1963.

Paul G.

Wade G. Burck said...

Mike and Paul,
I played White Plains with the Hamid Morton Circus, maybe in 77 or 78. Miserable small building with a stage. It was memorable, as I was expected to put 5 elephants in the space Tommy had kept 3, and 17 tigers in the space Struppi had kept 7. We ended up setting a tent up in the parking lot for the elephants, and splitting the 10 tiger cages up in 3 locations. We had to chain Joyce under the seats, so that she was available for the riding act as there was no time to go outside and bring her in. I got your jewel right here Mike!!! LOL
Wade Burck

klsdad said...

NO problem with cats this year!!


Mike Naughton said...

Have the mayor call me.
I grew up a few miles from there. I know that Don Francisco hired Tommy for some dates.
I worked White Plains for Don (mostly) AND Tommy (once) in different years.
I still have my last Pan American Circus contract for White Plains - 76 - Bernie Kallman, Don "Sparky" Washburn, the Great Scott and myself.

The White Plains date was part of a string of winter dates that included Patterson and Edison, I believe. This was before my time, perhaps some of the legendary metro NY fans would have the scoop.

The first time I ever saw a gorilla parody was in WHITE PLAINS, Norbu -- I was just a kid in the seats.

Mike Naughton said...

Feel compelled to mention to his honorable MAYOR that a previous county ex, NAMELESS, was sent up the river because of kickbacks, some relating to the county center lessees.
Perhaps some of the paperwork went missing when the indictments were issued, that is the reason they can't track the rental agreements.