Monday, February 23, 2009

Hamms Beer #2

Hamms-2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The first set of commercials was filmed in Northern California. The crew shot some 28,000 feet of film, a very high shooting ratio considering that only 90 feet would be needed per one 60-second commercial.

The director managed to put Earl and Sasha into a number of potentially hazardous situations such as crossing over a gully on a log, and crossing a deep ravine on a swinging suspension bridge.


Eric said...

The director/cameraman was Lear Levin who was famous for his outdoor commercials.

John said...

That picture is from the book "Elephants in the Living Room, Bears in the Canoe" from 1977. I have just recently re-read this. I am trying to find out what happened to the family, Earl and Liz Hammond, children Niki, Jenny, and Luke. Their mentor was Volney Phifer, a name many of you should be familiar with. Any current info would be apriciated.