Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ringling Bros. Worlds Greatest Shows #4

Scan11255, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.



Casey McCoy Cainan said...

A few of these elephants look kinda lean. Was that pretty common back then?

Buckles said...

Chappie Fox was a completely honest man and expounded on the scruples of the Ringlings and their principles against any kind of grift.
In one of my Dad's letters, he explained to Chappie that the elephants on the Corporation Shows were nice and fat whereas with Coming Soon Bros. they were not well fed at all.
He once told me that when he was a menagerie hand on RBBB the show had 36 elephants and as they were being held in line waiting for the menagerie to go up, Deafy would yell in his high pitched voice, "Give 'em three bales of hay?"