Monday, January 05, 2009

RB&BB 1956 #2

RB&BB 1956 #2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


GaryHill said...

Those cat cages look like the ones Jewell had at CW?

Anonymous said...

Those are not cat cages. No. 86 at the left is the giraffe wagon - - they carried only one giraffe in 1956 because the female gave birth just as the train was being loaded and she stayed back in Sarasota with her new calf.

No. 82 is the rhino cage and right behind it is no. 85 hippo cage.

This is in a sidewalled menagerie exhibit

GaryHill said...

OK, but they do look like them except they are green and ours were red, but they were sure close to them.

Anonymous said...

You are somewhat correct. The second cage wagon in line(#85 hippo den) was at Circus World in Orlando and was used for Jewell's lions.
You may be thinking about the three short ammo cage wagons that were also at Orlando. When I saw them they were indeed painted red.
All of the wagons in the photo,#86 Giraffe, #85 Hippo, #82 Rhino and the end cage #87 baby Tigers are all currently at Circus World Museum in Baraboo.
They also have #73 ammo cage there. The other two ammo cages from Orlando are at the Circus Hall of Fame in Peru.
Best regards,
Dom Yodice