Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus #4

Scan11243, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Boy, the memories. Here is the elephant Pete, ready to haul the cage wagons into the Big Top some 90 minutes prior to showtime. I can't recognize the man by Cage 4, prepping the hook-up. Cindy Potter, I can't see for sure, but is that Ned standing between the cages?

Roger S.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rog!
Yes, that's Ned - in a rare pose sans shirt...it must have really been a hot day! I don't recognize the cage hand by #4 either, but I do know SALOME is IN cage #4! I'm guessing that this was early-mid 1970's... a tad before my time. With Pete just getting hooked up to the cages and looking at today's polar bear photos it makes me realize what an ART it was JUST GETTING THE CAGES - ANY CAGES - IN & OUT of the tent! And if you WERE in a tent you were more likely to NOT be on smooth ground! Double checking the top locks, hooking them together properly to that the doors open freely when they are SUPPOSED to... If you had a first-of-may hooking cages you really had to watch that they didn't separate the cages before the doors were closed!

Fun times!!!


Cindy Potter