Monday, December 29, 2008

Ringling Bros. Circus

Scan11137, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Dallie Julian and Fred Ledgett in the carriage.
A reluctant Slivers Oakley standing on the horse's rump.


Jon Pult said...


It seems to me, looking at the make-up, that Slivers is on the far left here and the fellow on the rump is someone in his get up.


Pat Cashin said...

I have to question whether or not that's actually Slivers on the horse's rump.

That is Slivers' costume, wig, shoes and hat but the clown to his left looks to be the actual Slivers Oakley.

I have no idea what the circumstances would be that Slivers would dress up someone up in his gear but the clown on the horse's rump looks to me to be an impostor.


Buckles said...

Maybe it's the substitute Slivers, like Grandma with Big Apple.

Buckles said...

Speaking of Big Apple, I learned at the Club last Saturday that the position of General Manager, recently vacated by Guillome Dufresnoy, is now held by Scott O'Donnell.

Wade G. Burck said...

Wow!!! I would suggest that the term "meteoric rise" be used when referencing Scott O'Donnell.
Wade Burck

Wade G. Burck said...

Pat Cashin and Sazzie,
I have to question whether that is actually a horse's rump. It looks more like his croup, which lies between the loin and the tail. When one is looking from the side or back, it is the highest point of the hindquarters. I will leave it to you to decide who it is standing on it. LOL
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Can we all agree that the clown is standing near the rear of the horse?
Bob Kitto