Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mighty Haag #4

Scan11106, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Written on the back of this undated picture is "Old Yankee Robinson Tab".


Anonymous said...

The tab was built new in 1904 for Pawnee Bill's Wild West and then went to the Mighty Haag in late 1908. It was identified as the Oriental Tableau. It was never with Yankee Robinson, going directly from Haag to Mugivan and Bowers. They owned it until it until they sold the former ACC to John Ringling. It was on Robinson Famous in 1915, later John Robinson and Sells-Floto. In 1925 it was on Gollmar Bros. and 1926 on Heritage Bros., both outfits leased from the Peru gentlemen. It went out again, apparently as a sort of decorated baggage wagon, on Sells-Floto in about 1929-1930. Panels from it are in the Miami County Historical Museum in Peru, salvaged by the orders of Jess Adkins. Any remnants went up in the flames of the wagon burnings at Peru.