Sunday, December 21, 2008

"Big Jennie" with W.B. Reynolds Show 1896

Scan11088, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Advertised here as Queen Jumbo, "Jennie" grew extremely large for an Asian female.

1880-88 Burr Robbins Circus
1889-92 Miles Orton Circus
1893-96 W.B. Reynolds Circus
1896-18 Ringling Bros. Circus
1919-23 Ringling-Barnum Circus
(Died on tour in Columbus, Ohio in 1923)


Anonymous said...

This photo shows Jennie/Queen Jumbo/Big Bingo on the left and Baldy on the right [compare it to the solo photo of Baldy]. Between them is a man who likely measures somewhere between 5.5 and 6 feet tall [people weren't generally as tall as they are today]. Using that as a guide for estimation, the male looks to be no more than about eight feet tall, maybe 8.5. The female looks a lot taller because she's closer to the camera. She is likely about 9.5 feet tall, which is a god bit above average for a female Asiatic.